Shop in 4 Easy Steps
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Online Store
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Make payment
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Secure Payment
Products are delivery
to your door
Please follow these quick steps to make ordering your items easy:
1. Click on the Sign In button on the main page
2. Click on Create New Acccount
3. Fill in your Name, Email Address and Password, then click Register
4. Click on Your Account (You can change your password in Settings) or Keep track of orders placed in Order. Click on Address
Book and then click Add New Address. Here you can fill in your shipping address and click Ok. You can even add another
shipping address for a friend if you want her|him to receive a gift.
5. Now select a categorie from the menu and the browse through our different products:
Annique Skin Care Ranges : Annique Advanced Technology | Forever Young for Youth Restoring | Essence for Skin Treatment | Annique Daily Skin Care Range consisting out of : Lucid for Dry & Mature Skin | HydraFine for Normal & Combination Skin | Synergy for Oily Skin | Face Facts for Young & Problem Skin | 180⁰ Skin Elements for Men
Annique Body Care Ranges : The Spa Daily Body Care | ResQue Treatment Body Care | Body Xpert | Sun Care | Rooibos Baby
Annique Lifestyle : Forever Healthy Supplements | Annique Rooibos Lifestyle Shake - Meal Replacement | Annique Herbal Rooibos Tea Therapy | Annique Forever Slim - Slimming Support
Annique Fragrances : Fragrances for Men | Fragrances for Women
Annique Weightloss : Lifestyle Shakes | Forever Slim
Annique Colour : Colour Caress
Annique Specials of the Month
6. Click Buy Now to add a product to your shopping bag or click on the product for more information.
7. Click Add to Cart if you are happy to add just 1 item, else change the QTY field as needed and then click Add to Cart.
8. You will be directed to a page with your items, confirm the order by clicking on Checkout or Continue Shopping
9. On Checkout, your shipping address will be required, you can click on Address Book and add the relevant shipping
address. Select your delivery method, either Door to Door delivery or Counter to Counter delivery and continue.
10. Select a payment option, Electronic Funds Transfer (requires proof of payment) or immediate payment with Credit Card via
11. If you select Credit Card, you will be directed to PayFast Secure Payment Gateway to enter your credit card details.
12. If you select EFT payment, you can click continue. We will email you our banking details which you can use to make
payment and mail us the proof of payment to rooibospayment@gmail.com
13. A Thank You page will confirm your order.
14. Please check your email for confirmation of your order.
15. Confirmation email will be mailed when payment was successfully received
16. You will receive an email with your tracking number which can be tracked on www.fastway.co.za or www.aramex.co.za
17. You can also sign in to your account and view the status of your order
Please also feel free to contact us Mon to Fri 09:00 - 17:00 GMT
email: info@rooibosstore.co.za to place your order.
For any other queries email : info@rooibosstore.co.za
Take Note :
Automatically receive our client 5% discount on the products you add to your cart